Nominate a Latino Senior Level Executive in the Entertainment Industry

Imagen to Honor Senior Level Latino Entertainment Industry Executives

The Imagen Foundation is requesting names of senior level executives that are part of major entertainment companies. The individuals selected must be senior level executives that have significant responsibility in the company and preferably Senior Vice Presidents and above. We will consider Vice Presidents if they meet the criteria. From the names that are submitted, a list will be created of those who are determined to have the most power and influence in the industry. The final list will be announced at a cocktail reception on Tuesday, September 27th at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.

Please forward your suggestions, including title, email, and phone number, to Helen Hernandez at or if you have any questions, please call the Imagen office at 626-376-9751.


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Latino Public Broadcasting is the leader of the development, production, acquisition and distribution of non-commercial educational and cultural media that is representative of Latino people, or addresses issues of particular interest to Latino Americans. These programs are produced for dissemination to the public broadcasting stations and other public telecommunication entities. LPB provides a voice to the diverse Latino community on public media throughout the United States. Latino Public Broadcasting is a registered 501(c)(3), EIN: 95-4776447.
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