Upcoming Deadlines - Bertha BRITDOC Connect Fund & The Good Pitch 2012


Deadline: January 31, 2012 at 6pm (UK time)

The Bertha BRITDOC Connect Fund is a joint initiative between The Bertha Foundation and the BRITDOC Foundation. The fund is looking to support smart, strategic outreach campaigns for ambitious independent documentary films with a social issue at their core; films which have the ability to achieve real change on a local, regional or global level.

Social impact can be achieved in a myriad of ways and we are looking for outreach plans that engage audiences, have identifiable goals and partners to help achieve them.

Grants will be in the range of £5,000 – £50,000.

Applications can come at the planning, trial, delivery or evaluation stage of a campaign. Films can apply more than once, for different parts or phases of a campaign. For more information, please visit: britdoc.org/real_funds/connect_fund/.


Deadline: February 1, 2012 at 4pm (UK time)

A partnership between The Channel 4 BRITDOC Foundation and The Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program, the Good Pitch has been gaining momentum since the first international event in 2009.

Running several times throughout the year in the US and Europe, as both standalone events and in conjunction with bespoke conferences and film festivals, it brings together specially selected foundations, NGOs, social entrepreneurs, broadcasters and potential corporate and brand partners to form powerful alliances around groundbreaking films.

Six to eight filmmaking teams pitch their film and associated outreach campaign to the assembled audience with the aim of creating a unique coalition around each film to maximize its impact and influence. For more information, please visit: britdoc.org/real_good/pitch/.


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