Deadline: Friday, December 14, 2012
Download Application | See FAQs
Applications are now being accepted for the 2013 CPB/PBS Producers Workshop at WGBH. The CPB/PBS Producers Academy is open to both public broadcasting station staff producers and to independent producers who are involved and committed to working within public media. The workshop will run Saturday, March 30 through Friday, April 5, 2013.
The CPB/PBS Producers Academy is offering a “scholarship” opportunity to 25 individuals Each scholarship will include the cost of the workshop, and reasonable expenses for airfare, hotel accommodations, meals, and limited ground transportation.
If you are interested in applying, please submit THREE copies of the following:
- a completed application form (attached) along with a resume that includes education and television production experience
- a brief narrative of your professional development goals within public broadcasting. Among the areas you may wish to address are general and long-range goals and how the Workshop might help you attain them, specific skills areas you hope to develop further in the Workshop, and projects you are currently planning or have in progress that might be aided by your participation in the Workshop
- a letter of recommendation from a public television station or other public television programming partner (including the Minority Consortia, ITVS, etc.), production company, or industry professional.
Please also submit one non-returnable VHS tape or DVD of recent work. (If the tape/DVD is a clips reel, a second full-length program may also be sent.) The video provided should include work for which the applicant performed a significant role (ex: producer, director, writer, editor, associate producer); please indicate your actual role and production credit on the program you submit. Tapes must be cued to the beginning of the program or scene to be viewed. You may also include a URL instead of a tape/DVD, or for further information or viewing.
To be considered, the entire application (3 copies) must be received at PBS by 5:00 PM Eastern on Friday, December 14, 2012. PBS is at 2100 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA 22202. Scholarship awards will be announced by Friday, February 8, 2013.
For more information, please visit: