LPB Funded 'EL VELADOR', by Natalia Almada, selected to participate in USA Projects


Project to Commission Six Essays


We are pleased to announce that the LPB funded film ‘El Velador’ by Natalia Almada has been selected to participate in USA Projects, a community created by United States’ Artists, where America’s finest artists and those that love and support them can share their latest work, discover new artists, enter into a dialog with each other, and make direct donations (of any size, all of which are tax deductible) to new projects created by each artist.

A documentary spawned from violence, ‘El Velador’ shows the end result of a chronic societal crisis through the eyes of Martin, the night watchman of one of the most ornate cemeteries in northern Mexico where drug lords and corrupt cops are laid to rest. Award-winning filmmaker Natalia Almada has launched El Velador Essays, six essays from experts in diverse fields centering around the cemetery. These essays will be available in multiple platforms including, a book to be published by a prestigious Mexican publisher, Mangos de Hacha, online through all our funders’ and distributors’ websites and as a video component in which the essays are read over the film as commentaries. In order to do this, Natalia needs to raise $9,000 through USA Projects. In return for your contribution to this effort, Natalia has great perks available. You can also help by spreading the word and telling your friends.

For more information on how you can contribute, please visit: www.unitedstatesartists.org/project/el_velador_the_night_watchman_e…

About United States Artists

United States Artists (USA’s) mission is to invest in America’s finest artists and illuminate the value of artists to society. Supporting outstanding artistic talent has been realized by the USA Fellows program over the past 5 years. By the end of 2009, 213 artists had been named USA Fellows, each receiving a grant of $50,000, for a total of direct investment in artists equaling $10,000,000. USA’s investment funded new dances, poetry, films, theatrical productions, musical compositions, paintings, sculpture, and more. Worldwide audiences of all ages have encountered these stimulating new works in galleries, on stages, in print, and online. For more information about United States Artists, please visit: www.unitedstatesartists.org/


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Latino Public Broadcasting is the leader of the development, production, acquisition and distribution of non-commercial educational and cultural media that is representative of Latino people, or addresses issues of particular interest to Latino Americans. These programs are produced for dissemination to the public broadcasting stations and other public telecommunication entities. LPB provides a voice to the diverse Latino community on public media throughout the United States. Latino Public Broadcasting is a registered 501(c)(3), EIN: 95-4776447.
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