LPB Public Media Content Fund - Call for Entries

Deadline: Monday, June 3, 2013 at 5 PM 

All applications must be submitted online HERE


The Public Media Content Fund is an open invitation to independent producers to submit proposals for a program, limited series or short web-based digital video (of no longer than 20 minutes) on any subject that relates to or is representative of Latino Americans that is appropriate for public television and/or one of its platforms.

Content Priorities: We are looking for projects that are relevant, have potential to engage a national audience and present a diverse range of subjects, issues and viewpoints that complement and challenge existing public media offerings. Projects should also aim to meet the current content priorities of PBS that include but are not limited to: Performing Arts and Drama, History, News and Public Affairs. LPB is especially interested in programs that address Latino arts and culture.

Projects should provide strong story-telling techniques that give voice to those not normally heard or seen and provide a lens to the history, arts and culture of the diverse Latino community. While proposals can take creative risks, selected projects must ultimately appeal to a wide variety of television and public media audiences. Projects that reflect personal or individual experience should have universal appeal.

Applicant Eligibility: An LPB-funded program must be the only version of the program. (A re-edited version of the LPB funded program cannot be re-packaged for another network).

All funding requests must be submitted in accordance with LPB’s guidelines.

You may submit only one application, for one project or limited series, per review period. If your proposal is among those advanced to the panel, you may be asked to submit additional supporting materials.

An independent producer or a production entity (a partnership or organization of the individual producer or producers), that is/are creating programs on the Latino experience is/are eligible. These programs must be independent of the support of a film studio, commercial broadcast or cable entity, whether on a for hire, commission or employment basis. The producer or production entity must retain the copyright and have artistic, budgetary and editorial control over the proposed project.

Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, be citizens or legal residents of the United States or its territories, and have previous film or television experience demonstrated by detailed personnel bios or resumes, and by sample tapes upon request.

If this is your first full-length media project, you will be required to submit a video sample upon request of a shorter finished work that demonstrates your ability to tell a story using the visual medium. If applying for new media, producers must have been producing other short format productions for at least three years. 

Funding Categories and Requests:
 LPB funding will average between $5,000 and $100,000 for programs of most genres, including documentary, narrative, performance, mixed genre or new media. LPB will consider funding projects at the production and post-production stage. Requests for research and development are not a priority. If applying for new media funds, applicants will be expected to complete the project with funds awarded. You may submit only one application, for one program or series, per review period. LPB funding for each stage ranges as follows:

Research and Development $5,000 – $20,000
Research and Development requests should provide funding for producers to fully develop their storylines, identify engaging characters, talent and complete a production proposal and budget. Eligible activities include: (i) research; (ii) clearance of life story rights or other rights necessary to initiate production; (iii) development of a script or treatment, including the hiring of writers; (iv) preliminary filming, if necessary prior to the commencement of principle photography; (v) completion of a production proposal and budget.

Production $25,000 – $100,000
Production request should provide funding for producers to film and produce their programs. Funding requested may or may not include full completion of the program. Eligible activities include: (i) principle photography (including all production activities, hiring of crew, talent, clearance of rights for public media use; (ii) development of a website for the program and (iii) post-production (including editing and completion).

Post-Production $25,000 – $100,000
Post-Production requests provide funding for producers to complete programs already-in-progress. Eligible activities include: (i) post-production (including editing and completion); (ii) clearance of rights required for public media use; (iii) development of a website for the program; and (iv) if approved by LPB, promotion and outreach expenses for the initial release of the program.

New Media $5,000 – $20,000
New Media request provide funding for producers to research, produce and complete “short form” (no more than 20 minute) programs for primary distribution over the Internet or another public television platform, and include vignettes, webisodes and other new media content. Eligible activities include: (i) research; (ii) clearance of rights necessary to produce, complete and distribute the program; (iii) all standard production and post-production activities; and (iv) creation of outreach materials (including promotion and marketing materials).

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About Us
Latino Public Broadcasting is the leader of the development, production, acquisition and distribution of non-commercial educational and cultural media that is representative of Latino people, or addresses issues of particular interest to Latino Americans. These programs are produced for dissemination to the public broadcasting stations and other public telecommunication entities. LPB provides a voice to the diverse Latino community on public media throughout the United States. Latino Public Broadcasting is a registered 501(c)(3), EIN: 95-4776447.
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