The new digital short film Amigas with Benefits, an LGBTQ story with an unexpected twist, will premiere in July on as part of the 2017 PBS Online Film Festival. Written and directed by Adelina Anthony and presented by Latino Public Broadcasting (LPB), the film is produced by AdeRisa Productions which also produced LPB’s Gold Star, the winner of the People’s Choice Award in last year’s PBS Online Film Festival.
Set in Southern California, Amigas with Benefits is a sly comedy/drama about two older lesbians whose nursing home wedding is disrupted by an uninvited guest. The film deftly combines heart and humor to tell a delightfully subversive story at the intersection of LGBTQ and elder rights.
“We’re so pleased to share Amigas with Benefits through this year’s Online Film Festival,” says Sandie Viquez Pedlow, Executive Director of Latino Public Broadcasting. “The festival is a great way for our emerging filmmakers to present their short films to a large audience that is passionate about seeing cutting-edge work from new and unique voices.”
Beginning July 17, the PBS Online Film Festival will be available via PBS and station digital platforms, including, YouTube and PBS social media channels. The films will also be available via the PBS app on iOS, Android, Apple TV, Roku and FireTV devices. Viewers are encouraged to watch, vote and share their favorite film by going to The film with most votes will receive the “Most Popular” award. Additionally, for the first time ever, a distinguished panel of eight jury members will select their favorite film of the festival for the “Juried Prize.” For updates on the festival, follow #PBSFilmFest on Twitter.
Amigas with Benefits will also screen at Outfest Los Angeles as part of their Latinx Ladies showcase on Wednesday, July 12.
About the Filmmaker
Adelina Anthony (Writer/Director) is a critically acclaimed and award-winning queer Xicana two-spirit lesbian artista who hails originally from San Antonio, Texas. She works in various mediums and is best known for her provocative, comedic solo performances. Along with Marisa Becerra, she co-founded AdeRisa Productions, and returned to film as an actor, writer, director and producer.
The Cast
Lupita Yuny Parada
Ramona Sandra Matrecitos
Virginia Karla Legaspy
Director Sandoval Juan E. Carrillo
Nurse Angela Gloria De Leon
Pastor Fernández Eddie Valenzuela
Elder Graciela Patiño
Elder nancy Chargualaf martin
About Latino Public Broadcasting
Latino Public Broadcasting (LPB) is the leader in the development, production, acquisition and distribution of non-commercial educational and cultural media that is representative of Latino people, or addresses issues of particular interest to Latino Americans. These programs are produced for dissemination to public broadcasting stations and other public telecommunication entities. Latino Public Broadcasting provides a voice to the diverse Latino community throughout the United States and is funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Latino Public Broadcasting produces the series VOCES, PBS’s signature Latino arts and culture documentary showcase and the only ongoing national television series devoted to exploring and celebrating the rich diversity of the Latino cultural experience. Between 2009 and 2016, LPB programs won over 85 awards, including the prestigious George Foster Peabody Award as well as two Emmys, two Imagen Awards and the Sundance Film Festival Award for Best Director, Documentary. In addition, LPB has been the recipient of the Norman Lear Legacy Award and the NCLR Alma Award for Special Achievement – Year in Documentaries.
About the PBS Online Film Festival
The PBS Online Film Festival showcases powerful and engaging stories from filmmakers across the country. The festival has become a popular annual online event, attracting more than 4.5 million views since the first festival in 2012. This year’s lineup features films from the Center for Asian American Media (CAAM),
Latino Public Broadcasting (LPB), National Black Programming Consortium, Pacific Islanders in Communications (PIC), POV, and Vision Maker Media, as well as PBS local member stations including Alaska Public Media, South Dakota Public Broadcasting, South Florida PBS, WHRO, ITVS, Detroit Public TV WTVS, KTTZ Texas PBS, WPT Wisconsin, KLRU-TV Austin PBS, KQED (San Francisco), Louisiana Public Broadcasting, Twin Cities Public Television, and Vermont PBS. Promotional partners for the PBS Online Film Festival include Independent Lens and World Channel.
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