Deadline: June 26, 2024 at 5 PM PST
Applications must be submitted through our online application process on WizeHive by June 26, 2024 at 5 PM PST. Those received after this date will not be accepted.
Applicants will be required to create a user account through the WizeHive portal and sign up. Prior to signing up, please review our application instructions below.
Before starting the online application process, please read LPB’s 2024 Funding Cycle Guidelines and FAQs for our Public Media Content Fund and Digital Media Fund.
Each applicant will be required to complete the online APPLICATION FORM, APPLICATION SUMMARY, and upload the following:
- Budget Summary Form
- Detailed Project Description
- Detailed Project Budget
- Key Personnel Bios
If you are experiencing any problems with the online application process, please contact Program Coordinator, Mars Avila at mars.avila@lpbp.org.
Please complete all required fields in the online Application Form. The Application Form consists of answering questions related to the project format, requested funding amount, project topics/themes and story descriptions.
Please complete all required fields in the online Application Summary. The Application Summary consists of answering questions related to your story structure, fundraising strategy, intended audience, marketing and engagement plan and including a work sample link.
Please download the PDF form below and provide all the necessary budget information required. Note: Do not edit PDF files in your browser as your edits will not be saved.
Please save the PDF form using the following naming convention: <applicant’s first and last name>_<form name> (e.g.: JaneDoe_BudgetSummary.pdf).
Budget Category Descriptions
A. Research and Development: All costs related to writing treatments, script, storyboarding, research and location scouting.
B. Production: All costs related to production, such as equipment and facilities rental, videotape or film and audio stock, props, sets, wardrobe, location fees, travel, etc.
C. Post-Production: All costs related to post-production such as salaries, including tax and fringe benefits (if applicable) for editor and other post-production personnel. Other costs associated with post-production: editing facilities, film lab costs, titles and optical, sound recording and mixing, etc. Please include costs for transfer to a video master. (Note: LPB will not pay for non-broadcast elements, e.g., prints.)
D. Other: Any items that do not fit into other budget categories.
E. Total Project Cost: The total cost of the project.
F. Income Secured: All confirmed grant amounts awarded to date. Please specify individual grant sources and amounts. DO NOT include the value of in-kind services. List additional sources and amounts on a separate sheet if necessary.
G. Expected Income: List all currently pending and anticipated grant awards. Please specify individual grant sources and amounts expected. DO NOT include the value of in-kind services in this total.
H. Amount to Raise: Total amount of funds still needed to complete the project. (Total Project Cost minus Income Secured)
I. Total Request from LPB: Amount you are requesting from LPB in this cycle.
Describe why this topic is important, timely or relevant. Things to consider include: Why are you the best person to make a film about this? Explain the cultural or social relevance and context for the topic, and why this project is timely or urgent. Detail the topics, issues, themes, challenges, stakes, or questions that your project will cover.
How are you going to tell this story? Describe your creative vision for the finished project – its visual look and feel. Explain your intended use of cinematic language or any particular artistic approach that informs the storytelling. If applicable, mention any creative elements and assets, interactive elements, new technologies or non-traditional mediums that you intend to utilize. Explain how these elements will enhance the experience and interaction between viewers and the world of the story. (*Core Application)
Suggested length: Approximately 1 to 2 pages. Not to exceed (6) six pages. Please save in PDF format using the following naming convention: <applicant’s first and last name>_<form name> (e.g.: JaneDoe_ProjectDescription.pdf).
Applicants submitting DRAMATIC PROJECTS must also include a script. The six-page limit applies to the project description treatment. Applicants will need to save their six-page project description and script as one document.
Please save in PDF format using the following naming convention: <applicant’s first and last name>_<form name> (e.g.: JaneDoe_ProjectDescription.pdf).
Please provide a breakdown of your project’s projected expenses, from development through release, in U.S. dollars, including a budget total. Provide budget notes for any areas that may be viewed as out of the ordinary or which requires further explanation.
Not to exceed (6) six pages. Indicate items to which LPB funding would be applied. Also include “In-Kind” (volunteered) services, but calculate their value in a separate column. Budget should include the total cost of the project including R&D, Production and Post-Production costs. Budget should also include public television broadcast requirements such as Closed Captioning, E&O Insurance, etc.
Please upload your detailed budget in pdf or excel format using the following naming convention: <applicant’s first and last name>_<form name> (e.g.: JaneDoe_DetailedBudget.pdf or JaneDoe_DetailedBudget.xlsx ).
Provide brief biographies for the director(s), and if attached, the producer(s), cinematographer, and/or editor. Include notable credits and/or major recognition or award information. For each key creative team member, include information about relevant expertise and the individual’s role in the project. Bullet list names and titles of any attached advisors and/or consultants. Please do not submit resumes. Please indicate who on your team is Latino/Latina and outline their specific roles on your project.
Please save in PDF format using the following naming convention: <applicant’s first and last name>_<form name> (e.g.: JaneDoe_KeyPersonnel.pdf)
Provide a brief description, including links and passwords, of current samples of the work you are submitting. You may also include samples of previous work.
Latino Public Broadcasting is a participant of the Documentary Core Application. For more information, please click here.