Last Call to Apply for a U.S. INPUT Producer Fellowship to Attend INPUT 2012 in Sydney

South Carolina ETV has been awarded a contract by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to provide a limited number of INPUT 2012 Producer Fellowships.  The travel grants will assist qualified applicants with airfare, registration and lodging to attend INPUT on May 7 – 12 in Sydney, Australia. The deadline for applications is Monday, April 2, 2012.

For more information about the U.S. INPUT Producer Fellowship application process, please visit U.S INPUT managed by SCETV at or contact the U.S. INPUT National Coordinator Amy Shumaker at

INPUT is the International Public Television Screening Conference, an annual international forum for television professionals to discuss and challenge the boundaries of television in the public interest. To learn more about the INPUT 2012 conference,


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Latino Public Broadcasting is the leader of the development, production, acquisition and distribution of non-commercial educational and cultural media that is representative of Latino people, or addresses issues of particular interest to Latino Americans. These programs are produced for dissemination to the public broadcasting stations and other public telecommunication entities. LPB provides a voice to the diverse Latino community on public media throughout the United States. Latino Public Broadcasting is a registered 501(c)(3), EIN: 95-4776447.
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