The goal of this new initiative is to advance social justice worldwide through the talent of emerging and established filmmakers.
With the explosion of digital media production over the past decade, there is far more film and video content available from which audiences can choose. But it remains a challenge for most documentary filmmakers to find support—and audiences—for works that address social issues in meaningful and compelling ways. JustFilms seeks to support courageous filmmakers to complete their important works and to help them reach a growing audience of engaged and socially conscious viewers.
JustFilms will deepen the Ford Foundation’s support for hallmark documentary films. Building on 75 years of support for the visual arts, JustFilms will follow three distinct avenues for finding and supporting film projects that explore important social justice issues around the world.
For more information, please visit the Ford Foundation’s JustFilms website here:
Article in the New York Times:…
Sundance Institute
Since 1981, Sundance Institute has evolved to become an internationally recognized nonprofit organization that actively advances the work of risk-taking storytellers.
The Independent Television Service, ITVS, funds, presents and promotes award-winning documentaries and dramas on public television and cable, and innovative new media projects on the Web.